El Nino的词源
- El Niño
- "An irregularly occurring and complex series of climatic changes affecting the equatorial Pacific region and beyond every few years, characterized by the appearance of unusually warm, nutrient-poor water off northern Peru and Ecuador, typically in late December. The effects of El Niño include reversal of wind patterns across the Pacific, drought in Australasia, and unseasonal heavy rain in South America", Spanish, literally 'the (Christ) child', because of the occurrence near Christmas.
来自西班牙语。el, 定冠词the. -nino, 来自Nicolas昵称,常用于婴儿教名。因这各现象常发生于圣诞节期间而得名。
该词的英语词源请访问趣词词源英文版:El Nino 词源,El Nino 含义。